Obsidian Jennifer Armentrout Free Pdf Download

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 · 2,702 ratings  · 329 reviews
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Sep 19, 2015 rated it really liked it
Holy Alien Babies Everywhere
Daemon Black is back!!

description description

This book is so hilarious!! lol! I can tell that our hottie Daemon made me laugh out loud a lot and I found myself smile & giggle throughout the entire book. Gahhh.. love him even more then that time I read in Katy POV.

This is very long journey man, because it is told from the same story as Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal.. Yessss 3 freakin books all in one!! but this time, just in Daemon POV.

Not have to say much about the plot since I think all Lux fa

Holy Alien Babies Everywhere
Daemon Black is back!!

description description

This book is so hilarious!! lol! I can tell that our hottie Daemon made me laugh out loud a lot and I found myself smile & giggle throughout the entire book. Gahhh.. love him even more then that time I read in Katy POV.

This is very long journey man, because it is told from the same story as Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal.. Yessss 3 freakin books all in one!! but this time, just in Daemon POV.

Not have to say much about the plot since I think all Lux fans already know it. So.. my review will full of talking-of-my-favorite-scenes between Daemon & Katy and stuff! Hahaha wanna giddy, giddy myself *don't mind me.* ;")

What'd happen when a Normal Girl lives next Alien Door?


Woot woot.. Reading from Daemon POV. made him so much more complex in my eyes. We all know from Katy POV. that Daemon act such a jerk to her throughout the entire book. *Dickhead Daemon with his Alien mojo!!*

But after I get into his head through this Oblivion. Holy Baby Alien.. What he say, the way he act are just soooooo opposite of what he think!! *Geeeeeezzz* I want to slap and kiss this hottie all over his sexiness at the same time.

Being such a dick to her while wanting her so damn much.

A feisty girl next door who will make his alien life not in peace anymore. *Not that his life is peaceful haha..* My first favorite scene that doesn't have in Obsidian. (view spoiler)[He helps her carry the heavy boxes and she does not even realizes it. lol! Cuteeee ><' (hide spoiler)]

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All the hot scenes are still there. Can't forget that lake scene till now. When she slip and he help her, and that chest to chest. >O< Imagine how wide my mouth open. I suddenly felt the sexual tension in my vein. And u know.. their

love lust/hate struggled feeling made it even hotter. *damn*

My lmao moment..

Kickass Katy: "Yeah, I have a blog"
Hottie Daemon: "What's your blog's name?"
Kickass Katy: "None of your business"
Hottie Daemon: "Interesting name." Hahaha Lol!

I also love every times when he poke her back in the classroom, it made me smile like crazy. xD.. :') But what is my most fave?..Tada.. Definitely that Spaghetti scene!!!!!


Oh my gosh, this girl is awesome. Even Daemon laugh after that. Hahaha don't even wanna imagine the look on Ash's face. Woo.. It has no doubt while he love

this his Kitten girl!

Move to Onyx..

I think all Lux fan will never forget this scene since it is EPIC, and some of you guys might wanna ditch Katy and replace her in that scene.

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"Hey Kitten.. *swoon* Katy is so annoying in this one. She never wants to admit her feelings to Daemon, and blame him that he actually doesn't want her. That his feeling to her is because of their connection!! Damn Katy.

Whatever, I love every name Daemon calls Beep.. Oops Blake. xP His smartass, cocky arrogance just made me lol and soften my anger to Katy. He is that so much care about her, Why she does not see it??? *Geeeezz*

Move from their tension to their sweet romance at Opal..

How sweet and cuteee of Daemon he buy her the Macbook Air!!! *squeeeeze*He know how much reviewing book mean to her. And he is not hesitate to buy her that Macbook Air, just because he want her to be happy and that make him happy even more.

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But their sweet love life will not be in peace, that because of that Bart? Bread? Box? O: Whatever, I HATE that man!!!!!



May 28, 2015 rated it it was amazing  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Everyone who wants to get invaded by Daemon!
**Latest Update 01/01/2016**
Have you checked out the special soundtrack made for this book? The lyrics fit Daemon and Kat's story so well and hope you like it!
Listen to it now! → I'm Awake by Jolie
**Original Review 12/18/2015**
Yay! I just conquered the biggest book I've ever read in my life! As you know, Oblivion is a three-in-one book from Daemon's POV so I'm going to tell you what I think about every single section independently.

This ver
**Latest Update 01/01/2016**
Have you checked out the special soundtrack made for this book? The lyrics fit Daemon and Kat's story so well and hope you like it!
Listen to it now! → I'm Awake by Jolie
**Original Review 12/18/2015**
Yay! I just conquered the biggest book I've ever read in my life! As you know, Oblivion is a three-in-one book from Daemon's POV so I'm going to tell you what I think about every single section independently.

This version of Lux is like retelling the story again from a different character's point of view and luckily, it happened to be Daemon's. It's actually enjoyable to live in his head all the time and though he was the biggest jerk in the original Obsidian, the more we know what he's thinking or what he's feeling, the less I think about him that way. Honestly, I've always thought he was a man, umm…, an alien with few words because of how he acted, but after seeing his real mind, I was surprised he had lots of complicated thoughts when it came to Kat. Although I appreciated this story, I still highly suggest you re-read the original version BEFORE starting this one. For me, there were some deleted conversations or scenes between Katy and Daemon, for example, most of their moments in school, at lunchtime, in class, or after school were cut from this book, perhaps that's because they had nothing to do with Daemon's POV, but I felt a little bit hard to relate whenever the plot abruptly jumped to his own situation. Thus, it's a good idea to connect the two books together if you want to get a better understanding about what's really going on in this series.

The reason I kind of enjoy reading this is that I totally miss those awesome characters so much! If memories serve, I read the entire Lux series several months ago and all I clearly remember is how much I love this story but can't fully describe the plot in details. Daemon's great; Katy's remarkable; Dee's funny; The Thompsons' not-bad; and there are more memorable roles as the story goes on and on. And now I can experience the extraterrestrial journey once again…with DAEMON! No matter how many times I read about his interaction with his sister, Dee, I can't help but burst out laughing hard. They were really adorable.

"Where is the ice cream?" Her voice was strained.
I leaned against the counter. "What ice cream?"
"What ice cream?" she repeated slowly, disbelief ringing in her voice. "The half a gallon of rocky road ice cream that was in the freezer yesterday!"
"I can't believe you ate all the ice cream, Daemon!"
"I didn't eat all of it."
"Oh, so it ate itself?" Dee's shriek could burst eardrums. "Did the spoon eat it? Oh wait, I know. The carton ate it."
"Actually, I think the freezer ate it," I responded drily.

Much to my surprise, there's bonus content in the version I read. And it's super-duper amazing! I can't believe the tiniest interaction between them could be that sweet, beautiful, and heart-warming even. I really love this unseen moment a lot!

Then, without really thinking about it, I placed one hand on the arm of the couch, braced myself, and then bent down. I pressed my lips to her cool cheek and then drew back.

As for Daemon's view on the second book of the series, I personally think that it's so much shorter than the previous one. It seemed that he spent most of his time patrolling around the state and figuring out what was going on with Kat after (view spoiler)[she was mutated (hide spoiler)]. Therefore, the biggest difference between this one and Kat's POV was the whole school and her training with Blake parts. That's why there weren't much to say about the story itself. Although this section is comparatively short, I did enjoy reading his honest thoughts on many issues where Kat was concerned, mainly because I could actually feel his happiness, grief, and the hurtful isolation of being betrayed and distrusted by Kat, the only person he loved.

So things changed. We didn't really talk at school. I left her alone in trig class and at lunch. I saw her in the evenings, and this separation between us was chipping away at a hidden part of me, but I had to draw a line somewhere.

While reading this book, it reminded me how much I've missed about their smart banters. Even though the conversation was mostly the same, nothing could prevent me from loving them once again.

I grinned. "I bet that by New Year's Day, you will have admitted that you're madly, deeply, and irrevocably—"
"Wow. Want to throw another adverb out there?" Her cheeks were bright red.
Winking at her, I came up with another one. "How about irresistibly?"
"I'm surprised you know what an adverb is," she muttered.
"Stop distracting me, Kitten. Back to my bet—by New Year's Day, you'll have admitted that you're madly, deeply, irrevocably, and irresistibly in love with me."

Gladly, not everything in the book was all identical. There were something entirely new and knowing those unmentioned plot undoubtedly gave Oblivion bonus points.
And I knew she had gotten a new laptop because I'd received an email alert this morning signaling that she'd posted on her blog. Yeah, I'd signed up for alerts. Whatever.

Ha! See? You're practically stalking her blog, Daemon!
Moreover, we indeed get more insight into the real, thoughtful, and brooding version of Daemon, along with the sweetest side of him. And I totally swooned over those moments, you know, the whole heart-melting, palms-sweating, knees-buckling and all that jazz.
And after I recapped the show, I closed my eyes and told her in my own language the truth.
I don't know how to make you better. I wish I did, but please stay with me. I need you, and I can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.

So yeah, I admired how Kat managed to bring those pieces back in his heart the more they knew each other; just because she didn't fully trust him at first and believed in that horrible B-L-A-K-E guy and caused the irrevocable loss doesn't mean she would change what he felt for her ever since.
"Did you find it?" she asked.
I moved my hand over my chest. "Find what, Kitten?"
"What you were searching for?"
My eyes opened and my gaze held hers. "Yeah, sometimes, I think I did."
This is the most heart-wrenching part in the entire book, in my opinion. Since Dawson was back and there were moments when he wasn't prepared to face his brother, we get to see what Daemon thought the whole time. It's a perfect complement to know the situation from both Kat and Daemon's viewpoints and it indeed made the story more complete. Moreover, Daemon expressed more emotions here as well, particularly speaking of his family, including Kat. He definitely cared more, so much more, about her and he actually dealt with many hidden breakdowns that we never knew before. At least he turned into a sweet and caring guy eventually!
You burn bright, to me at least, and I know you could handle it, but the last thing I want is your light to be tainted by something so dark.
The best most heartbreaking scene was undoubtedly the last chapter, where Daemon was separated from Kat by that freaking blue laser, with merely a few inches right in front of him, and she was forever trapped with a horde of Arums along with soldiers.
Kat dropped to her knees, and I was a second behind her, hitting mine as Matthew managed to bring me down. Her lower lip trembled as her chest rose sharply. Something cracked in my chest, fissured down my core. Terror I'd never known before exploded.
"No! Please! No!" My voice broke. "Kat!"
They were crowding in around her, but she never took her eyes off me. She held my gaze as I tried to shake off Matthew.
Then she smiled a little, and my chest imploded. It was weak and wobbly and frail, and a part of me died right there.
"It'll be okay," she said, her eyes welling with wetness. "It'll be all right."

The doors were almost closed as I reached out, my fingers spread. Matthew jerked me back, and I braced myself with my other hand. My heart pounded as she was seconds from disappearing behind the door, seconds from being cut off from me.
My chest ripped right open and I said what I should've said days ago, weeks and months ago. "I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will. I will come back for you. I will—"
The doors sealed shut.
She was gone.

Oh god, a huge part of me died a little when I read this… The feeling was extremely intense and raw and it wasn't something easy to get rid of anytime soon.
P.S. I'm surprised to find that Kat's disappearance wasn't the end of this book, yet! There was another sneak peek from Paris(the Luxen) and his childhood BF, Luc. It sort of explained why Luc was willing to risk all of others' lives and even made Kat captured. At first, I thought I'd get really pissed off about his manipulation, but unexpectedly, I started to get the logic behind his intention. (view spoiler)[Psss, remember Nadine? The girl whom Luc tried to fix and make her recover from her illness? I practically forgot her, to be honest. But hey, I spied sparks between them. *winks* (hide spoiler)] Overall
I absolutely adore this HUGE book, which is over 1,300 pages, and it's a real blessing for all of us to live in Daemon's head so long. Just a small reminder that only the e-book version contains all three books from Lux, whereas the paperback one included just Obsidian. The proportion of these three books is what I find a little bit unbalanced. The first 50% of the book covers Obsidian and 25% for Onyx and Opal respectively. Although there isn't equal coverage for them, the story is far from rushed. Despite the fact that it seems rather short for the last 2 books, the overall plot is perfectly wrapped up. Therefore, I highly recommend Oblivion to anyone who had read the Lux series and genuinely suggest that you combine both POVs to have a better insight for the story. Let's all get into Daemon invasion in this festive season, guys! Merry Christmas to you all!
Lastly, Daemon has something to say, too…
Beth Hudspeth
Feb 02, 2016 rated it really liked it
Review posted on my brand new blog: Hello Beautiful Book Blog

Daemon Black ♥

Ohhhh snap! Daemon Black is back! I love the Lux series and this is just another great installment. It was so much fun reliving the first half of the series. You really need the kindle version of Oblivion because it contains Obsidian, Onyx and Opal. It is REALLY long, but worth it! I think I might have to continue on with Origin and Opposition just to have a full reread of the series!

Daemon is so infuriating, but jus

Review posted on my brand new blog: Hello Beautiful Book Blog

Daemon Black ♥

Ohhhh snap! Daemon Black is back! I love the Lux series and this is just another great installment. It was so much fun reliving the first half of the series. You really need the kindle version of Oblivion because it contains Obsidian, Onyx and Opal. It is REALLY long, but worth it! I think I might have to continue on with Origin and Opposition just to have a full reread of the series!

Daemon is so infuriating, but just so... swoon.

I don't know how to make you better. I wish I did, but please stay with me. I need you, and I can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.

You love her.
I do. I love her.

And I also know that although she wasn't mine now, she would be one day.

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Shut up! I need this! Obsidian necklace.
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Mar 24, 2015 rated it really liked it
"You know what? I've got zero fucks to give when it comes to anything you've got to say."

(Technically, it is 3.5, but I am rounding it up because I can.)

Ah, Daemon, Daemon. I've really missed your asshole-ish self, it is true. Even if many deem your own book unecessary, rest easy, my son, I have enjoyed reading the story once again from your perspective. And I even more enjoyed the fact that we got your POV for all the first three books. Yay, more from me.

Joking aside, I knew I was going to

"You know what? I've got zero fucks to give when it comes to anything you've got to say."

(Technically, it is 3.5, but I am rounding it up because I can.)

Ah, Daemon, Daemon. I've really missed your asshole-ish self, it is true. Even if many deem your own book unecessary, rest easy, my son, I have enjoyed reading the story once again from your perspective. And I even more enjoyed the fact that we got your POV for all the first three books. Yay, more from me.

Joking aside, I knew I was going to read this book, the moment I came across it on goodreads, because, a) it's Daemon's POV, b) I wanted to have a re-read of the series and c) it's Daemon's POV.

I honestly don't care what you, but I sure as hell enjoyed.

Now to be more specific on ratings.

Obsidian: 3.5 stars
Onyx: 3 stars
Opal: 4 stars

About Obsidian, I knew I was going to be at least a little pissed of at Daemon, so naturally certain parts ticked me off, but it was certainly quite nice being inside his head and seeing everything that was happening at the time from his perspective. Obviously, those ups and downs in his mood and his actions was what pissed me off, but hell, I enjoyed it in the end. Very much.

Now, Onyx. Aaaah... *long suffering sigh* I knew reading Onyx was going to be rather painful because I remember how stupid Katy was during that book. And surprise, surprise, she still annoyed me reading this one as well. And I have to admit to taking Daemon's side on this one. Miscommunication is a nasty bitch and we saw it first-hand in this. Other than that, it was good seeing that other Elder that I had no idea even existed until now (Lydia was her name...?). I still don't remember if we've ever seen her somewhere else.

Anyway, moving on.

Opal is probably my favourite book of the series, I don't know why, be it the ending, be it Daemon's and Katy's relationship evolving, be it Dawson, I just know that I really really love this and it's my favourite from both Kat's and Daemon's POV.

Extra: What was that little tidbit in the end about Luc? Did that seriously happen? That kid is scary. Is it possible we'll ever get any info about him in the future?

Overall, I don't regret reading Oblivion, but on the contrary I enjoyed it. What made me realise though, is if I did a re-read of the original books right now, I probably wouldn't have rated them that high. So I'm just going to avoid that re-read. At least, for now.

(Blasted review is everywhere.)


Why would you pick a cover like this? *cringes*


May 21, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Lux series by jennifer armnetrout

If you also love the Lux series, you probably know how much this latest installment all done in the awesome point of view of Daemon Black, means to me. The very fact that Jennifer Armentrout gave this for us is beyond amazing!

And let me tell you, fans of this series, heck, fans of Daemon, do NOT want to miss out on this. And for those who haven't read it yet, WTH DO IT NOW! However, i think you could still enjoy this one too but it's more advisable if you start with Obsidian.


Oblivion has

Lux series by jennifer armnetrout

If you also love the Lux series, you probably know how much this latest installment all done in the awesome point of view of Daemon Black, means to me. The very fact that Jennifer Armentrout gave this for us is beyond amazing!

And let me tell you, fans of this series, heck, fans of Daemon, do NOT want to miss out on this. And for those who haven't read it yet, WTH DO IT NOW! However, i think you could still enjoy this one too but it's more advisable if you start with Obsidian.


Oblivion has 1005 freaking pages and I soaked up every single one of it. It includes the first three books (Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal) in Daemon's POV. Honestly, this is a dream come true because there were countless times I wished I knew what was going through Daemon's head when I was reading those previous books and now I know.....and it only solidified my love for this series.

oblivion by jennifer armentrout

I think my favorite thing about this companion novel, besides Daemon Black obviously, is that it's not a typical retelling of the story because somehow daemon's perspective brought a different feel to it. Being in his head is so entertaining, his "voice" is charming and engrossing, and his emotions are intense. There's no denying the amusement, love, lust and longing I felt while reading it.

oblivion jennifer armentrout

I didn't get bored even though the majority of it are scenes from Daemon's POV that we've already witnessed or his thoughts before or after a pivotal moment, with a couple of "new" scenes sprinkled in. I devoured it! Ms. Armentrout provided insights on her, and in a way, Daemon's thought process, why she chose to go in a certain direction of the story, and Daemon's complexities.

With this book, I realized that Daemon was really a jerk in Obsidian. However, I understand his struggle to fight his growing attraction to Katy for the sake of everyone's safety. He is a protector. That's the best way to describe him. He feels responsible for his family and his kind, the Luxen and being around a human is a risk he doesn't like to take. The push-and-pull becomes frustrating but only because I want them to be together so bad! Furthermore, I didn't realized how hard Katy was on him in Onyx. I feel so sorry for Daemon but I guess he sort of deserved it after acting like the biggest alien douche in Obsidian. It also showed more depth to Daemon's character. Yes, he's snarky and sarcastic but he's also so selflessly protective, sweet, thoughtful and so in love with Katy! That is what this book really set into, hecares so much for Katy! I swear to god that boy thinks of Katy's well-being 24/7! haha!

I would burn down the whole universe for her if I had to. I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything.

And for those who've read Opal, you know how it ends right? Yup imagine reading THAT SCENE in Daemon's POV! It hurts like hell! I legit cried! Yes, I'm emotional I'm sorry I just luuuuv them so much and Daemon's genuine love and heartbreak broke my fragile heart too!
Please stay with me. I need you, and I can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.

But now, I have to mention how much I love Katy! She's one of my favorite heroine! Besides the fact that she's a hybrid and has a very hot alien boyfriend, her character is so RELATABLE! She's a bookworm and book blogger, and I swear her reactions/thoughts about it is so AUTHENTIC I'm like "same girl, same" with a big grin on my face. She's also very sarcastic but sweet, funny, feisty, smart, strong and kind-hearted.

I just adore both of them. They're are my favorite YA couple, my OTP.

Their banters are so AMUSING and CUTE, their connection is PALPABLE, their love is so STRONG and their chemistry is SEXY.  Actually, this book borders on New Adult while still being mostly Young Adult. It's not completely NA though, for me it's just the perfect amount. So for young readers out there, don't be persuaded not to try it out because this is an awesome paranormal series!

Overall, I just really enjoyed it. I have so many quotes highlighted and I want to put them all in this review but I can't *sigh*. It's so good! I loved the story, the action, the characters... I loved everything! In fact, reading this made me want to re-read the entire series or at least the next two books, Origin andOpposition (which I did btw). You know for the hundredth time...

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Natalie Monroe
Apr 29, 2015 rated it it was ok
Recommends it for: Super Daemon/Lux series fans
2.5 stars
"She appeared of average height. Actually, everything about her seemed average—her dark brown hair, pulled back from her face in a messy knot; her pale, roundish face; her average weight—definitely not one of those skinny girls I hated..."

I wish Oblivion had never been written. Then I wouldn't have experience the realization that I, unconditionally and irrevocably, wanted to plant my foot up his ass.

"She was attracted to me, even right now, when I'd backed her clear across the ya
2.5 stars
"She appeared of average height. Actually, everything about her seemed average—her dark brown hair, pulled back from her face in a messy knot; her pale, roundish face; her average weight—definitely not one of those skinny girls I hated..."

I wish Oblivion had never been written. Then I wouldn't have experience the realization that I, unconditionally and irrevocably, wanted to plant my foot up his ass.

"She was attracted to me, even right now, when I'd backed her clear across the yard, and yet she was still attracted to me. And that kicked off something in me that I didn't want to look too closely at."

Is this the guy we fell for in Obsidian? This skinny-shaming, gets-off-on-fear creeper?

This book was intended for fans who couldn't get enough of Daemon Black. By 5% I'd had enough of him for a lifetime. It's so fucking long. And pointless.

We don't get any special insight into Daemon's life we didn't get from Katy's POV. If anything, it made me realize what a flat character he is. He exists solely to be the Male Love Interest. There's no rising action or climax or any resemblance of a plot in his version of Obsidian. Onyx was a little better because he was discovering the dark side of the DOD and information about his brother alongside Katy. Then Opal plunks us right back in the land of linear plot and Katy's satiny skin.

Ooh, in case you forget, Daemon reminds us over and over Katy has skin that feels like satin. And grey eyes. With full lashes, which she enjoys peeking beneath.

She also smells of peaches.

The Daemon Armentrout presented in the original series had a life other than Katy. He cared deeply about his sister, regrets the loss of his brother, tried to make things work with Ash. When Adam died and Dee was devastated, he barely gave them a chapter's worth of fucks. When Dawson comes back, we get the barest bones of a summary on how he tried to ease him out of his shell. Worries about Ash and the Elders? Maybe with a magnifying glass.

Look, if you're going to rewrite a series from another character's POV, give me something fresh. Don't make me sit through pages and pages of copy-and-paste conversation.

Obsidian would have been infinitely improved if we got to see Daemon slowly trusting and falling for Katy.

Instead we get this:

"Truth be told, I fell for her the first time she mouthed off at me. I just hadn't fully admitted it to myself."

Why are we still doing this, authors? Why are we still reinforcing the myth of no means yes? Why are we still creating romantic heroes who view rudeness as a challenge, when most guys would rather sit through a shitty movie than get up to find the remote?

Love is blind, Daemon. You were better off viewed from Katy's eyes.

Éimhear (A Little Haze)

Tra-la-la-la-la... *happily skips around*
Oh how I love this series so... *heart beat flutters*

So Oblivion is the same story as Obsidian but given to us through Daemon's point of view. And it was gooooooooooood!!! Ahh my favourite hot alien douchebag has a heart under all that moodiness and bad boy attitude! *swoons*

It was just soooooooo much fun reading this from his viewpoint!!! Seeing what he really thought of Kat, how protective he is of Dee, his relationship with Ash and her br


Tra-la-la-la-la... *happily skips around*
Oh how I love this series so... *heart beat flutters*

So Oblivion is the same story as Obsidian but given to us through Daemon's point of view. And it was gooooooooooood!!! Ahh my favourite hot alien douchebag has a heart under all that moodiness and bad boy attitude! *swoons*

It was just soooooooo much fun reading this from his viewpoint!!! Seeing what he really thought of Kat, how protective he is of Dee, his relationship with Ash and her brothers... This book just puts a big fat cheesy smile on the face of any fan of the series!!

But really I'm so glad that I only read Obsidian a few short weeks ago. To enjoy this properly that story needs to be

fresh in your memory because otherwise the plot would feel a little disjointed... As if there are gaps in the storyline... because there kind of are! Yikes! Because when you think about the Lux series and Obsidian especially, it is really Katy's story and seeing as this book only deals with Daemon's scenes (with a few additions) the story doesn't (and really can't) flow as well. This is very much a companion piece!

And I'm also pleased that I didn't read this immediately after reading Obsidian but waited until I had read books 2 and 3!!! It is much better to have learned about all the weird alien Luxen stuff through Katy's eyes BEFORE seeing it as normal through Daemon's. If I had read it before books 2 and 3 I think it would have spoiled certain aspects of the storyline for me.

Oblivion gets three very happy stars

On to part 2 and Daemon's PoV of Onyx!!!


Oblivion part 2: Onyx

Okay... I'm a little more unsure about this one. I liked it. I did! Buuuut... Gosh at times Daemon was SUPER possessive and stalkery... Sometimes a girl needs space!! Even if that girl is being idiotic!!! But he is still Daemon and I still love him unconditionally!!! *guilty smile*

This again was interesting. It felt like there was a lot more of Dee which was great. And we definitely got to know the characters of Andrew and Adam better too!!! Plus it was so interesting to see all the little things Daemon was doing on his side while Katy was involved with Blake. Enriched the storyline for sure!

But as with Oblivion part one, the storyline didn't flow together that seamlessly because major plot developments happened featuring Katy and not Daemon... And therefore the plot felt a little jumpy. So again I'm very happy that the original Onyx plot was fresh in my mind. I think that is the key thing with this whole book, read it while the original stories are super fresh in your mind.

three stars

Opal here I come!!!

Oblivion part 3: Opal

Opal was probably the best written of the three rewrites in that the plot was the most cohesive, there was a nice flow to it… but at this stage I was kind of getting tired of the story!!! I know *MAJOR SHOCKED FACE* But only kind of tired… I just am dying to know what happens in Origin and beyond and I think I just wanted to read something fresh!!

Don't get me wrong, I still liked this and I am pleased that I have read the books in this order but I'm sooooo ready for the plot to advance now. I neeeeeeeeeeeed to know what happens after THAT cliffhanger in Opal.

But yeah Opal through Daemon's eyes was lovely… it was nice seeing the relationships of the siblings develop, it was super cute to see Daemon and Katy together and yup… I liked it! I think because it is the shortest of the three sections it works the best storyline-wise.

So it gets another three stars


On a whole I liked reading the Lux story through Daemon's point of view but it could have been better edited. It really is a book for Lux fans… if you only moderately enjoyed the main series then I would not recommend it. There were times when the storyline dragged a little and towards the ending I did catch myself thinking 'gosh this is ridiculous'… But then again the whole premise of the story is pretty much bonkers so that should not have been a surprise to me!!

Do I still love this series?
Do I still love Daemon??

Yes and yes!!!
As an out and out Lux nutter I am very happy that I read this!!!

Overall rating: Three stars

And just as a last note, my preferred reading order for the Lux series so far is as follows:

1. Obsidian
2. Onyx
3. Opal
4 (a). Oblivion
4 (b). Oblivion bonus content: Onyx thru' Daemon's PoV
4 (c). Oblivion bonus content: Opal thru'' Daemon's PoV
5. Origin
6. Opposition

Apr 04, 2015 rated it it was amazing
5 - Pretty much made of awesome. Stars!

I took my sweet time with Oblivion, and not because I didn't enjoy reading it. But this is Daemon 'freakin' Black. So why rush, especially when you have the below in your head for the entire time you are reading…

At just over a thousand pages, Jennifer Armentrout hasn't skimped on giving us the full Daemon Black experience either, and I have to say it was a refreshing to read the first three books of the series from his point of view. I found Katy's inne

5 - Pretty much made of awesome. Stars!

I took my sweet time with Oblivion, and not because I didn't enjoy reading it. But this is Daemon 'freakin' Black. So why rush, especially when you have the below in your head for the entire time you are reading…

At just over a thousand pages, Jennifer Armentrout hasn't skimped on giving us the full Daemon Black experience either, and I have to say it was a refreshing to read the first three books of the series from his point of view. I found Katy's inner musings to be a little annoying at times (must be the whole teenage girl thing!), I just found Daemon's whole perspective and inner monologue highly entertaining and sometimes a little unexpected.

"I'll take what I can get for as long as I can get it."

You don't need me to write a long drawn out review for this one, if you have read and loved The Lux series, then you are going to love Oblivion, and fall even more in love with Daemon Black. Lots of love all round basically!

ARC generously provided by Entangled Publishing, in exchange for the above honest review.

☆She's Book Obsessed☆

Yeah I just basically read the first three books of this series after I finished the finale but told from "his" perspective because I looove the characters and their world so much💗

May 24, 2018 rated it really liked it
So great to revisit this world and see it from Daemon's point of view. This eBook covers exactly the same story covered in the first three books of the Lux series. It had been a while since I read it, but I lost count of how many times I smiled reading it again from his POV. He's just, well ... so Daemon. :)

The eBook is great value, but it does have a few problems with typos, etc. It wasn't all the way through and didn't ruin the read.

Oct 17, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Yes yes yes. I loved all of this, and I can't believe I didn't realise earlier that JLA released Onyx and Opal from Daemon's POV!!! Don't worry, I remedied my mistake by reading all 3 books in this set in two days. I mean who needs sleep?!!
Loved it!
Nancy The book junkie
God i loved this book! Daemon might be an ass from time to time but what a lovable ass <3

Review coming soon!

Aug 08, 2015 rated it really liked it
I don't really know how to review this. It's not a re-read but kind of? I will tell you I totally loved being inside Daemon's head. Knowing what he was thinking in Obsidian was seriously awesome. I someday would like to put the books side by side and be inside both of their heads to get the total picture.

My only issue with the book is that I think, for me, it has been too long since I read the series. I did remember a lot more than I expected I would but I think this book would have been way bet

I don't really know how to review this. It's not a re-read but kind of? I will tell you I totally loved being inside Daemon's head. Knowing what he was thinking in Obsidian was seriously awesome. I someday would like to put the books side by side and be inside both of their heads to get the total picture.

My only issue with the book is that I think, for me, it has been too long since I read the series. I did remember a lot more than I expected I would but I think this book would have been way better for me if it was read closer to when I read the series. My fault that, not the books.

Overall though, it was as exciting as I remember and as infuriating. It was as funny, sweet and sad. Daemon has always been and probably always will be one of my favorite book boys and this just firmed that up.

Oh and oh! The extra, extra bit at the end? Nice.

So, at the end of the day, this was a monster of a book but if you loved the Lux Series like I did I would say this is a must read. Besides, it's DAEMON BLACK!

On a non-review note, I am very pleased that there is now an edition with the right page count! I was going to add one but couldn't find an accurate word or page count anywhere. I didn't realize this was going to be three books when it said bonus. It was really a bonus! This one says 1005. That's probably right. I use tiny font on my Kindle and I hit 855 pages when I had finished. Nonsensical OCD for me. Well, that and counting pages for the year. Need it to be right!

Thanks for reading with me Cory!
Buddy Read with Cory!!! Daemon!! WOOT!

Siobhan Davis
Complete perfection. Totally loved every minute of it. Lots of new scenes to keep it fresh. Didn't think I could love Daemon Black any more but I was wrong. I don't think I'll ever tire of rereading this series. Ten million stars. Thanks Jennifer, you're the bomb. Hands down my favorite author. Complete perfection. Totally loved every minute of it. Lots of new scenes to keep it fresh. Didn't think I could love Daemon Black any more but I was wrong. I don't think I'll ever tire of rereading this series. Ten million stars. Thanks Jennifer, you're the bomb. Hands down my favorite author. ...more
Mar 24, 2015 rated it liked it
Reviewed at The Honest Bookclub (because where else does one review a book about a book blogger than on a book blog, by a book blogger)? Now try saying that three times fast.

3.5 stars

Huddle together, everyone! I've just had an extensive meeting with the aliens. I have information of vital importance!

Are you ready? Here it is: get the ebook. Now, I know some of you are morally opposed to technology and you churn your own butter, but trust me on this. I, too, cherish physical books above... well,

Reviewed at The Honest Bookclub (because where else does one review a book about a book blogger than on a book blog, by a book blogger)? Now try saying that three times fast.

3.5 stars

Huddle together, everyone! I've just had an extensive meeting with the aliens. I have information of vital importance!

Are you ready? Here it is: get the ebook. Now, I know some of you are morally opposed to technology and you churn your own butter, but trust me on this. I, too, cherish physical books above... well, Nutella. I've already addressed this matter in the past. But listen up. Oblivion in paperback is a 300-paged retelling of Obsidian, the first book in the Lux series. Oblivion in ebook form is a 1000+ paged retelling of the first three books in the Lux series, in full.

(Now if I could figure out how to get it to count as three books towards my Goodreads challenge instead of one, that'd be swell. I accept all ideas and suggestions, and compensate with Nutella brownies. I also accept praise for finishing a 1000-paged book, and only ask that we pretend it didn't take me five days to do it.)

'Tis a big one.

Now, the Lux series is a paranormal-ish sci-fi-ish romance-ish type series that spanned 5 books prior to this giant. The first three books were told exclusively from Katy's POV. Books 4 and 5 alternated between Katy's and Daemon's narratives. Now with Oblivion in tow, the Lux series has been told and retold from both protagonists' perspectives. (And still we never got to find out what was in that darned Onyx note!)

Was Oblivion necessary to the overall story? Not at all.
But was Oblivion just as fun as the original story? Absolutely.

Actually, they're highly interchangeable. Much like the first three books told in Katy's POV, Daemon's retelling prides itself on:
• a truly bad cover
• hilarious slang
• kissing noises
• alien mayhem
• human mayhem
• government-sanctioned mayhem
• sandwiches
• more sandwiches

Oblivion is as entertaining as the original series. Oblivion can be read in lieu of the original series. And Oblivion is also kind of... identical to the original series?

Now, look, the latter books in the Lux series have already had a voice distinction issue. There's never been a way to tell Daemon's and Katy's narratives apart. It's holy alien babies and sweet baby Jesus either way. Oblivion is no different-sounding. But Jennifer L. Armentrout's style is so fun and whimsical that... do we care? Not so much. Jennifer also continues to speak for book bloggers everywhere in Oblivion, with even more book hauls, even more book vlogs, even more trips to the post office for bookish mail, and even more unboxings.

As a book blogger, I'm highly biased on this matter, but... ALL THE LOVE!

Ultimately, it all boils down to this: Oblivion is Lux series in every sense of the word. At times the voices are the same, and the scenes it covers are mostly the same, but it's hilarious and it's entertaining and it's the only possible way to devour 1000 pages and fail to even notice.

"More books." My eyes widened. "You have, like, ten books you just said you haven't read."
"Doesn't mean I won't get more books."

Team Katy Schwarz forever.

Dec 06, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Luxen series fans & YA PNR junkies
Recommended to Livia by: Jennifer L. Armentrout
I freaking loved it, savored it and didn't want it to end even though I already knew the outcome! Unfortunately for me, I had a lot of real life impediments to reading this one as fast as I'd hoped I could. But ultimately, I seriously enjoyed my time back in the Luxen universe again and couldn't resist filling up my e-reader with tons of highlights and bookmarked pages.

Minor spoilers alert!!!

Below is only one of my many, many favorite romantic and cute moments:

Dragging my hand to her cheek, I
I freaking loved it, savored it and didn't want it to end even though I already knew the outcome! Unfortunately for me, I had a lot of real life impediments to reading this one as fast as I'd hoped I could. But ultimately, I seriously enjoyed my time back in the Luxen universe again and couldn't resist filling up my e-reader with tons of highlights and bookmarked pages.

Minor spoilers alert!!!

Below is only one of my many, many favorite romantic and cute moments:

Dragging my hand to her cheek, I kissed her softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect."

And then Kat yawned, right in my face.

I busted into laughter. Damn. Kat turned her cheek into her pillow, trying to hide, but I wouldn't let her. I chased after, kissing her once more. Rolling onto my side, I pulled her with me, situating her so we were face to face.

Damn, I was full–my heart was full. "Thank you."

"For what?"

I trailed my fingers over her arm, smiling when she shivered. "For everything."

I want to give Author Jennifer L. Armentrout a big squishy hug for giving Luxen series fans Daemon Black's POV of the first three novels (Obsidian, Onyx and Opal) in this fantastic YA paranormal series. He was often cracking me up or making me smile hugely. I lost track of how many times he also made me feel all girlie inside as he acknowledged his growing attraction and love for the oh so feisty and adorable book nerd that was Katy Schwartz.

Being in his Daemon's head and revisiting their adventures from his point of view provided many welcome moments of unforgettable and delightfully entertaining escapism. I loved rediscovering the complexity of the Luxen, Arum and Hybrid mythologies. There were also many philosophical moments that had me thinking again about several important life issues as they applied to my own life experience thus far. I love when that happens, and I feel compelled now to do yet another reread of Origin (Lux #4). Quite simply, Oblivion reconfirmed how hopelessly addicted I still am to Daemon and Katy's love story and journey.

*Update: I entirely overlooked the editing mistakes that Entangled Teen should be wrapped on the knuckles for allowing into print because the story was so captivating for me personally. I also failed to mention earlier in my review how disappointing it was that the bonus content wasn't embedded in my e-reader as promised. I hope that eventually the editing errors in Oblivion will be corrected and that Entangled Teen keeps the website link for the bonus content available for perpetuity. Neither issue was enough to detract from my reading experience of Oblivion, so it still rates as one of my all-time favorite male POV novels thus far.

Teresa Mary Rose
More Reviews Here: Readers Live A Thousand Lives

Since I read each portion of Oblivion spread out, I've split up my thoughts into the three original books. Overall, I really enjoyed this alternate point of view and really loved getting inside Daemon's head. It was still the story I loved, but it didn't feel repetitive.

It was so awesome going back and experiencing Obsidian again from Daemon's point of view. I always knew I loved Daemon, but I really enjoyed his perspective. I'm not going t

More Reviews Here: Readers Live A Thousand Lives

Since I read each portion of Oblivion spread out, I've split up my thoughts into the three original books. Overall, I really enjoyed this alternate point of view and really loved getting inside Daemon's head. It was still the story I loved, but it didn't feel repetitive.

It was so awesome going back and experiencing Obsidian again from Daemon's point of view. I always knew I loved Daemon, but I really enjoyed his perspective. I'm not going to go into the characters because we all know I love Daemon and Katy at this point. What made this point of view great was that we were finally able to truly understand why Daemon pulled the crap he did. He wasn't just trying to protect his family, he was trying to protect Kat as well and because we know Daemon has crappy people skills it didn't always come across the best way. So it was nice to finally understand what was going on inside that head of his. He really struggles with his feelings for Kat and his lingering guilt over Dawson. One of the biggest perks for me was getting to see a lot more Dee and Daemon interaction. Those two have great banter and it was so nice to see their relationship from Daemon's perspective. Daemon is protective of her but they are also just a normal brother and sister at the end of the day. I've always loved Dee, but seeing the story from Daemon's perspective really let you get to know her better and I loved that. I also adored seeing bookish Katy again. I love how her character progressed over the course of the series, but I missed this Katy. Before everything went crazy in her life, Kat was a bookish blogger and I loved that. She was so fun at this stage and while she always kept her love of books I did love when that was a bit more prominent. Also, the scene where Daemon goes book shopping with Katy is the best. Long story short, this was the perfect way to revisit one of my favorite reads.

Being in Daemon's head for Onyx was super frustrating because GAHH KATY. I adore Katy, she is one of my all-time favorite heroines, but here she makes you crazy. See when you read Onyx from Katy's point of view, her reluctance to Daemon makes sense. But when you are in Daemon's head you KNOW how serious he is and you just want them to get it together. But aside from that I did love seeing Onyx from Daemon's point of view and I loved watching his character grow. He grows so much from Obsidian to Onyx and getting to see that first hand is so awesome. Also, I simply enjoy being in his snarky and sarcastic head.

Well that twist was absolutely bananas. This book definitely delivered something readers NEVER knew before and that was kinda awesome. I love it when a new perspective gives you new info and that is exactly what happened here. Opal was great from Daemon's perspective and it was so heartwarming to see how much he came to love Kat. We always knew he was devoted to her but it's hard to fully grasp until you see it through his eyes and watching him fall for her was ridiculously swoony. This was the perfect way to cure my Daemon fix. And that ending? It was hard from Kat's point of view, but from Daemon's it was devastating. It broke me and I had to remind myself that it all turns out okay.

All in all, Oblivion is a really great read and a great addition for fans of the Lux series. JLA once again does not disappoint.

Tanya (Girl Plus Books)

Reading the first three books in the Lux series from Daemon's POV was priceless. I never felt like it was just a rehash of the original books because Daemon's voice is so distinctly different from Kat's. There were scenes that we previously didn't get to see through Kat's eyes - interactions between Daemon and members of the Colony, the DoD, Dawson and others. His protectiveness of Kat was always obvious but being in his head and understanding how deep his feelings ran for her was price


Reading the first three books in the Lux series from Daemon's POV was priceless. I never felt like it was just a rehash of the original books because Daemon's voice is so distinctly different from Kat's. There were scenes that we previously didn't get to see through Kat's eyes - interactions between Daemon and members of the Colony, the DoD, Dawson and others. His protectiveness of Kat was always obvious but being in his head and understanding how deep his feelings ran for her was priceless. And reading the final scene in Opal from Daemon's POV was truly a heart breaker.

This is a series I never tire of and can pick up for a reread anytime.

*Original read: June 2016 (Obsidian only)
*Re-Read: February 2017 (Obsidian, Onyx and Opal)


When I read Oblivion last year, I only read the first book, Obsidian. Now that I'm feeling kind of slumpy, I want to return to something I know and love so I'm diving back into Oblivion, back into Daemon's POV (bring on the snarky goodness!) and starting Onyx... Daemon-style. ♥

♡Julalicious Book Paradise♡
Original review on Julalicious Book Paradise

This review will go for the first three books of the series from Deamon's point of view (the paperback only contains the first book, but the ebooks contains all three). It will be a general review for all three because I could do one for each, but I'd probably end up saying the same thing over all three, so general review it is.

Okay, so falling in love all over again with Deamon Black? Check. I seriously couldn't wait to get my hand on this book and eb

Original review on Julalicious Book Paradise

This review will go for the first three books of the series from Deamon's point of view (the paperback only contains the first book, but the ebooks contains all three). It will be a general review for all three because I could do one for each, but I'd probably end up saying the same thing over all three, so general review it is.

Okay, so falling in love all over again with Deamon Black? Check. I seriously couldn't wait to get my hand on this book and ebook and when I finally got to read, I devoured it whenever I could. I fell hard for the Lux series and this book just made me fall hard again and now, I just want to read this series again (which I shouldn't because you know, I have tons of books to read that I never read before).

If you saw my book list and the book I read in the past year, you will see that I fell in love with Jen's writing and her books; she has a way to make us want to read more about the character. She gives us characters that we whether fall for or can relate to. She seems to know just how to keep us hooked until the next chapter and the next one and the next one until its 3 in the morning and you have only two hours of sleep left before work.

So like previously said, this book is from Deamon's side of the story we read and love. I won't lie there were times that I just wanted to smack him behind the head a few times, but there were moments that I wanted to scream at her because she was so damn stubborn and sometimes I felt like she was just suicidal too. Deamon's reactions were sometimes over the top, but it came from a good place so I tried to let it go with only just a desire to hit him behind the head instead of a kick in the nuts.

But reading this from his side made this story even better. I wouldn't say that I agree with everything he did or say or the reasons behind them, but I felt like I could understand his actions more coming from his point of view than only just Kat's.

I think everyone needs a Deamon simply because when he cares about someone, he REALLY cares about someone to the point that he's ready to sacrifice a lot just for their safety and I'm not only talking about Kat, but how much he gave for his family to protect them.

His attitude is something in real life that might exasperate me, but I can't help loving it in this series. The mix of his and Kat's personalities couldn't have been better even if it clashed from time to time.

I don't recommend reading this book without reading the Lux series. Yes, it could still make sense, but really, it would be more complete to read the whole series before getting yourself into this book. But YES, I do recommend that you go into this book and let yourself being submerge into Deamon's mind.

Julia Griffis - The Romance Bibliophile
"Oblivion" was an AMAZING book from Daemon's POV, and I absolutely loved it from start to finish! It was by far the best book solely from the hero's POV that I have ever read, and I honestly couldn't have asked for anything better. Jennifer L. Armentrout is definitely one of my top favorite authors, and she did a phenomenal job with "Oblivion." Daemon and Katy were amazing characters, and I absolutely loved and adored their personalities and chemistry together. Their relationship got off to a pr "Oblivion" was an AMAZING book from Daemon's POV, and I absolutely loved it from start to finish! It was by far the best book solely from the hero's POV that I have ever read, and I honestly couldn't have asked for anything better. Jennifer L. Armentrout is definitely one of my top favorite authors, and she did a phenomenal job with "Oblivion." Daemon and Katy were amazing characters, and I absolutely loved and adored their personalities and chemistry together. Their relationship got off to a pretty rocky start, but I loved how it progressed for the better more and more throughout each book. I loved getting to read and discover Daemon's inner thoughts and feelings about everyone and everything, especially Katy. It blew me away and made me extremely happy how much Daemon truly loved and adored Katy with his entire being, and would do absolutely anything to protect her. I also loved how he called Katy - Kat or Kitten. It was incredibly funny and endearing at the same time. I loved Daemon and Katy's banter with each other; it was hilarious and highly entertaining, and never once ceased to make me smile. Many of the secondary characters were awesome as well, and I loved the close and tight-knit relationship everyone seemed to have with one another. I am so far and beyond in love with the Lux series, and I was so thrilled that Jennifer decided to write the first three books solely from Daemon's POV. "Oblivion" took me on an adventure I will never soon forget, and I will be forever grateful for the existence of books and Jennifer L. Armentrout! Thank you, Jen! <3

Check out more of my reviews on my blog: https://perksofbeingabibliophile.word...

May 12, 2015 rated it it was amazing
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so many feels!

Daemon Black, you babe. Oh, how I love you so. I have yet to read Opposition, so this was a good reminder of the first three books, as the ebook is Obsidian, Onyx and Opal in one. I loved every second of it! 1000 pages, but I got through it because Daemon
This book had new and old scenes in his POV, and they were delightful! I loved his inner thoughts, and I loved how we got more of the Luxen, and what was really going through his mind

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so many feels!

Daemon Black, you babe. Oh, how I love you so. I have yet to read Opposition, so this was a good reminder of the first three books, as the ebook is Obsidian, Onyx and Opal in one. I loved every second of it! 1000 pages, but I got through it because Daemon
This book had new and old scenes in his POV, and they were delightful! I loved his inner thoughts, and I loved how we got more of the Luxen, and what was really going through his mind when he was being a bit of an a-hole to Katy.

But this book was amazing! I can't give it lower than 5 stars because squeeee!

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Daemon, you are still on my book boyfriends list. Always.

If you've not read the Lux series, you're missing out. Do it now, go, go buy it!

Also, Katy is me and every other book lover out there.

Kat Montemayor
Daemon: "And number three, we focus on my awesomeness."

I have no problem with that. This is a great journey of Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal through Daemon's head. We learn a few new tidbits along the way, but for the most part it's the same story.

You may ask, "Well, if it's the same, is it necessary to read Oblivion? That depends on how you define necessary. I have no problem gorging myself on a book from and about my favorite Luxen. Too much Daemon? I don't think that's possible.

In Obsidian, we s

Daemon: "And number three, we focus on my awesomeness."

I have no problem with that. This is a great journey of Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal through Daemon's head. We learn a few new tidbits along the way, but for the most part it's the same story.

You may ask, "Well, if it's the same, is it necessary to read Oblivion? That depends on how you define necessary. I have no problem gorging myself on a book from and about my favorite Luxen. Too much Daemon? I don't think that's possible.

In Obsidian, we see an annoying Daemon, trying to get Katy's attention. Kind of like that boy in middle school who put a plastic spider in the hair of the girl he had a crush on. InOnyx we see how deeply he cares for Katy, and how much she hurt him by trusting Blake. His anger at her for the way things ended up was justified. It would have been phony if he hadn't been upset with her. Opal is my favorite book in the Lux series. It was totally worth reading Oblivion just to get to see the final pages of Opal from Daemon's eyes. BEST CLIFFY EVER! I'll admit that my calloused, hard-hearted self got a little dewy-eyed.

And this: "I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will..."

Right back at you, Daemon.

Apr 06, 2015 rated it really liked it
I think I need to go read Origin and Opposition again. That last scene in Opal from Daemon's POV was heart breaking. I mean, I know what happens to them, but it just feels weird to leave the story at such a crucial time.

When I first read the Lux series, I didn't enjoy it. I thought it was okay, but it wasn't something I would pick up again. However, my taste in reading has changed since then, and I really liked Oblivion. Daemon's character felt more fleshed-out as he narrated, and it was easier

I think I need to go read Origin and Opposition again. That last scene in Opal from Daemon's POV was heart breaking. I mean, I know what happens to them, but it just feels weird to leave the story at such a crucial time.

When I first read the Lux series, I didn't enjoy it. I thought it was okay, but it wasn't something I would pick up again. However, my taste in reading has changed since then, and I really liked Oblivion. Daemon's character felt more fleshed-out as he narrated, and it was easier to like him.

The only problem with this book is that there are several holes in the plot. If you haven't read Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal, then a lot of this book won't make sense and it'll feel rushed. I recommend reading this right after Opal, just for the full effect. If I remember correctly, the last two books are told in duel POV.

Happy reading!

Cocktails and Books
It's taken me all week to finish this, but those 4 days were absolute bliss. Being inside Daemon's head, to "hear" his version of the events in the first 3 books of the series were absolute perfection!

Daemon was an ass for most of those books. You wanted to smack the shit out of him from Katy's POV, but I forgave him a little bit when he spewed his venom, but we knew why he was doing it. Daemon loved his family and he would do anything to protect what was left of it, even demoralize and embarras

It's taken me all week to finish this, but those 4 days were absolute bliss. Being inside Daemon's head, to "hear" his version of the events in the first 3 books of the series were absolute perfection!

Daemon was an ass for most of those books. You wanted to smack the shit out of him from Katy's POV, but I forgave him a little bit when he spewed his venom, but we knew why he was doing it. Daemon loved his family and he would do anything to protect what was left of it, even demoralize and embarrass the girl he couldn't get out of his head.

For anyone that's read the Lux series, the ebook version of Oblivion is a must read. You need to know just what Daemon thought of the human girl who moved next door and how she turned his world upside down from practically the minute he laid eyes on her.

Jul 01, 2015 rated it really liked it
Whoa this took me so long to finish, but I think that's probably because I knew what the plot was so I didn't have the same urgency to read it so this ended up being more of a background read. That being said I'm so happy that JLA decided to give us 1,005 pages of Daemon Black, it was as hilarious as you would expect and gave me the opportunity to 're-read' the first three books. I loved seeing the thinking process behind Daemon's incendiary personality, especially his douchiness toward Blake in Whoa this took me so long to finish, but I think that's probably because I knew what the plot was so I didn't have the same urgency to read it so this ended up being more of a background read. That being said I'm so happy that JLA decided to give us 1,005 pages of Daemon Black, it was as hilarious as you would expect and gave me the opportunity to 're-read' the first three books. I loved seeing the thinking process behind Daemon's incendiary personality, especially his douchiness toward Blake in Onyx and his moments with Dawson in Opal. ...more
Dec 08, 2015 rated it it was amazing
I recevied a copy of this book for free through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This was just as brilliant has I had hoped for. I devoured the Lux series and was so happy to get to relive the story through the eyes of broody/sexy Daemon.

Needless to say the writing, the story, the atmosphere, the romance, the action and the humour are all on point. I wish this had gone all the way up to the end of the series but I am extremely satisfied with this book and will be adding a physical copy

I recevied a copy of this book for free through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This was just as brilliant has I had hoped for. I devoured the Lux series and was so happy to get to relive the story through the eyes of broody/sexy Daemon.

Needless to say the writing, the story, the atmosphere, the romance, the action and the humour are all on point. I wish this had gone all the way up to the end of the series but I am extremely satisfied with this book and will be adding a physical copy to my collection.

All the stars!

Marija *Somewhere beyond this starless sky, Through the darkest days of mine, Another sun will rise*
OMG, FINALLY!!!!!!!! I can't believe it took me so long to finish this book! I think it was due to already knowing the story and that's what made me feel.... bored. I was familiar with what was going to happen and I delayed finishing it. The lenght didn't help either. I think it would have been better if JLA just left these three books only in Katy's POV. This book was intertaining, but unnecessary. OMG, FINALLY!!!!!!!! I can't believe it took me so long to finish this book! I think it was due to already knowing the story and that's what made me feel.... bored. I was familiar with what was going to happen and I delayed finishing it. The lenght didn't help either. I think it would have been better if JLA just left these three books only in Katy's POV. This book was intertaining, but unnecessary. ...more
Dani Reyes
Jan 21, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Whoa this book was just so much better than Katy's perspective. I loved that it felt different, I usually never read two side of the same story because sometime it feels like I'm reading the same thing and there's no difference, but this wasn't the case with oblivion. And like I mention before I love that we got to see more of the daemon's world than we did through obsidian.

I loved that there was more of Adam God rest his soul. Really wish he hadn't die!

Whoa this book was just so much better than Katy's perspective. I loved that it felt different, I usually never read two side of the same story because sometime it feels like I'm reading the same thing and there's no difference, but this wasn't the case with oblivion. And like I mention before I love that we got to see more of the daemon's world than we did through obsidian.

I loved that there was more of Adam God rest his soul. Really wish he hadn't die!

Mar 24, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Where can I find a Daemon Black? I LOVE this book so much <3
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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors yo

Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you've heard about her state aren't true. When she's not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor's Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON'T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor's Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.


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